Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Working with Immigrant Students and English-Language Learners

We watched this video from Guadalupe Valdes, in class, today (go to "videos," then "specialist commentary"). It gives great food for thought when it comes to working with English-language learners. As we expanded upon this video, we also came up with the following.

What should we know about the backgrounds of our students, particularly immigrant students and English-language learners?
  • How long have they been in school? What has their school experience been?
    • Cultural meaning of schooling; social networks formed within schools.
  • What is the family structure? Who is in the household? Why did they immigrate?
    • English proficiency of family/household members
  • What are their conceptual/content understandings?
    • Can they read and write in their native language?
  • Can they communicate common/daily needs/questions?
    • Do they understand me?
    • Where are they in the continuum of learning to speak conversation English (2-3 years) and learning to master academic English (5-7 years)?
  • Is there evidence of trauma?
  • What is their responsiveness to speaking English/American culture/structural assimilation, etc.? 
  • How can we minimize the role and impact of stereotypes?
    • Integrating the home country into the curriculum.
    • Use of native language to help with processing of content.
  • How can we pre-teach vocabulary found in our lesson, and provide practice using English at ratios of smaller than 30:1?